On Race

Honoring Juneteenth and Practicing Allyship

Conversations about race are uncomfortable, especially when we are being honest with ourselves. Reflecting on our own words, choices, and biases can be uncomfortable. It’s so much easier to rationalize it. It’s uncomfortable to call out racist words and actions of people we know. It’s so much easier to ignore it or worse laugh along with a joke. We make up excuses that comfort ourselves for allowing that behavior. Being a comfortable ally isn’t being an ally. 
Yes I’m sure you have dealt with adversity. Everyone has to deal with adversity. Know that acknowledging the adversity of other people doesn’t invalidate your own. This isn’t the struggle olympics. I may never know the experience of living in another person’s shoes but I can have empathy and I can see how differently another person is treated. What can you do about racism? What are your own action items as an ally? 
We have learned a lot about racism over the last few weeks. Some of us have been living the experience. We learned more about the people and institutions around us. 
We aren’t going to fix racism overnight. For any real change to happen we are all going to have to keep fighting the fight. We are going to have to meet people where they are and bring everyone along with us.

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